Stranger at the Pentagon
Stranger at the Pentagon
by Dr. Frank E. Stranges
Fifth Revised Edition, 1997
ISBN# 0-9655786-0-7
English: Paperback, 127 pages
Spanish: PDF file
I was on my guard for fakes and frauds. In walked a man about six feel tall and about 185 pounds, brown wavy hair and brown eyes. His complexion appeared normal and slightly tanned. As I approached him and he looked at me, it was as though he could see straight through me. With a warm smile and extending his right hand, he said, “Hello Frank. How are you?” His voice was strong and yet mellow. It was filled with character and purpose. He, in answer to my question regarding a “space suit” produced a one piece suit that glittered as the sunlight streamed in through the window and hit the fabric. I thought it looked like liquid sunshine. His lack of fingerprints intrigued me. He informed me that there was life in many other planets. I asked him where he was from. He answered, “I am from . . . the planet that is called Venus.”
© Julie Ann Stranges
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